Lirik Lagu John Mayer - Paper Doll Lyrics
Artis: John Mayer
Judul Lagu: Paper Doll

Lirik Lagu John Mayer - Paper Doll Lyrics
Paper doll, come try it on
Step out of that black chiffon
Here’s a dress of gold and blue
Sure was fun being good to you
This one we made just for Fall
And Winter runs a bit too small
This mint green is new for Spring
My love didn’t cost a thing
You’re like twenty two girls in one
And none of them know what they’re runnin’ from
Was it just too far to fall
For a little paper doll
Fold a scarf, Moroccan red
And tie your hair behind your head
Strap into some heels that hurt
You should’ve kept my undershirt
You’re like twenty-two girls in one
And none of them know what they’re runnin’ from
Was it just too far to fall
For a little paper doll
Cut the cord and pull some strings
And make yourself some angel wings
And if those angel wings don’t fly
Someone’s gonna paint you another sky
‘Cause you’re like twenty-two girls in one
And none of them know what they’re runnin’ from
Was it just too far to fall
Was it just too far to fall
Judul Lagu: Paper Doll

Lirik Lagu John Mayer - Paper Doll Lyrics
Paper doll, come try it on
Step out of that black chiffon
Here’s a dress of gold and blue
Sure was fun being good to you
This one we made just for Fall
And Winter runs a bit too small
This mint green is new for Spring
My love didn’t cost a thing
You’re like twenty two girls in one
And none of them know what they’re runnin’ from
Was it just too far to fall
For a little paper doll
Fold a scarf, Moroccan red
And tie your hair behind your head
Strap into some heels that hurt
You should’ve kept my undershirt
You’re like twenty-two girls in one
And none of them know what they’re runnin’ from
Was it just too far to fall
For a little paper doll
Cut the cord and pull some strings
And make yourself some angel wings
And if those angel wings don’t fly
Someone’s gonna paint you another sky
‘Cause you’re like twenty-two girls in one
And none of them know what they’re runnin’ from
Was it just too far to fall
Was it just too far to fall
lirik lau lagi,,,ini kebalik saya tahu irik dulu baru tahu lagunya,,hihihi
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BalasHapusikut komen ea gan... informasi yang sangat bermanfaat..
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BalasHapusthanks sob infonya menariik B)
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BalasHapusterimakash banyak atas informasinya
BalasHapussip..sip,,makasih bang buat informasi liriknya,,sangat bermanfaat.:)
BalasHapuskren infonya sob thanks B)
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BalasHapusthanks,,suka banget sama lagunya jhon mayer..:)
BalasHapusinformasinya sangat menarik gan... :p
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BalasHapussukses selalu gan,, infonya keren B)