Lirik Lagu Lil Wayne Feat. Bruno Mars - Mirror lyrics
Lirik Lagu Lil Wayne - Mirror Feat. Bruno Mars lyrics
Lil Wayne
With everything happening today
You dont know whether you're coming or going
But you think that you're on your way
Life lined up on the mirror dont blow it
Look at me when im talkin to you
You looking at me but i'm lookin through you
I see the blood in your eyes
I see the love in disguise
I see the pain hidden in your pride
I see you're not satisfied
And i dont see nobody else
I see myself i'm looking at the
Bruno Mars
Mirror on the wall, here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend
You told me that they can understand the man i am
So why are we here talkin' to each other again
Lil Wayne
Oh, i see the truth in your lies
I see nobody by your side
But i'm with you when you re all alone
And you correct me when im lookin wrong
I see that guilt beneath the shame
I see your soul through your window pain
I see the scars that remain
I see you wayne, im lookin at the..
Bruno Mars
Mirror on the wall, here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend
You told me that they can understand the man i am
So why are we here talkin' to each other again
Lil Wayne
Lookin at me now i can see my past
Damn i look just like my f-ckin dad
Light it up, thats smokin' mirrors
I even look good in the broken mirror
I see my momma smile thats a blessin
I see the change, i see the message
And no message could been any clearer
So i'm stared with the man in the...
Bruno Mars
Mirror on the wall, here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend
You told me that they can understand the man i am
So why are we here talkin' to each other again
Mirror on the wall, here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend
You told me that they can understand the man i am
So why are we here talkin' to each other again
So why are we talkin to each other again
Mirror on the wall.
Lirik Pilihan

With everything happening today
You dont know whether you're coming or going
But you think that you're on your way
Life lined up on the mirror dont blow it
Look at me when im talkin to you
You looking at me but i'm lookin through you
I see the blood in your eyes
I see the love in disguise
I see the pain hidden in your pride
I see you're not satisfied
And i dont see nobody else
I see myself i'm looking at the
Bruno Mars
Mirror on the wall, here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend
You told me that they can understand the man i am
So why are we here talkin' to each other again
Lil Wayne
Oh, i see the truth in your lies
I see nobody by your side
But i'm with you when you re all alone
And you correct me when im lookin wrong
I see that guilt beneath the shame
I see your soul through your window pain
I see the scars that remain
I see you wayne, im lookin at the..
Bruno Mars
Mirror on the wall, here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend
You told me that they can understand the man i am
So why are we here talkin' to each other again
Lil Wayne
Lookin at me now i can see my past
Damn i look just like my f-ckin dad
Light it up, thats smokin' mirrors
I even look good in the broken mirror
I see my momma smile thats a blessin
I see the change, i see the message
And no message could been any clearer
So i'm stared with the man in the...
Bruno Mars
Mirror on the wall, here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend
You told me that they can understand the man i am
So why are we here talkin' to each other again
Mirror on the wall, here we are again
Through my rise and fall
You've been my only friend
You told me that they can understand the man i am
So why are we here talkin' to each other again
So why are we talkin to each other again
Mirror on the wall.
Lirik Pilihan
boleh juga nich tuk menghapal thanks atas infonya......!
BalasHapusbagus lirik nya,, thanks
BalasHapusbruno mars memang ok gan liriknya enak ...
Love Bruno Mars, LoVe, LovE, Love banget deh, :)
BalasHapuswiihh mantep niihh makasih bnyak gan..
BalasHapusizin copas gan..
BalasHapuswidih keren banget gan...
BalasHapusliriknya keren bnget niihhh..
BalasHapuskebetulan saya lagi nyari2 ini.makash gan..
BalasHapuswiihh mantep niihh liriknya..makasih gan udah share..
BalasHapuswah kebetulan saya suka sama lagu ini,, lagu ini memang keren gan ...
BalasHapusbruno mars lagu-lagu nya enak...
BalasHapuspada suka banget yah lagu ini ??
BalasHapusIni Salh Satu Favorit Saya Gan,Thx Keren Liriknya
BalasHapusbanyak banget nih lirik nya..
BalasHapusjadi susah menghafal nya.
keren banget laguynya
BalasHapusbagus ga nih lagu nya??
BalasHapusane coba cari dulu yah di youtube...
bagus juga nih lirik nya..
BalasHapusane ijin copy yah gan.
lagunya mantep-mantep semuanya.,.,.,.
BalasHapuslink download lagu ngga ada nih gan?
BalasHapuswah manteb banget Sob :D
BalasHapusmakasih infonya Kak
wiw, ijin sedot yaa Gan :v
BalasHapusMakasih nih gan untuk artikelnya..
BalasHapusoiya terus semangat dan eksis yang di dunia bloger.
kayaknya bagus nih lagunya... :) mau coba dengerin dulu.. hehhe..
BalasHapusTerimaksih atas infonya gan semoga saja sukses selalu & selamat pagi
BalasHapusKeren dah infonya sampe ngos ngosan nih bacanya ..heheee
BalasHapustetap semangat menjalankan aktivitas di dunia bloging yah gan..
Lil Wayne selalu dihati, suaranya khas banget, terimakasih gan, nice info.